Source: panorama/Panorama.js

( function () {

	'use strict';

	 * Skeleton panorama derived from THREE.Mesh
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {THREE.Geometry} geometry - The geometry for this panorama
	 * @param {THREE.Material} material - The material for this panorama
	PANOLENS.Panorama = function ( geometry, material ) { this );

		this.type = 'panorama';

		this.ImageQualityLow = 1;
		this.ImageQualityFair = 2;
		this.ImageQualityMedium = 3;
		this.ImageQualityHigh = 4;
		this.ImageQualitySuperHigh = 5;

		this.animationDuration = 1000;

		this.defaultInfospotSize = 350;

		this.container = undefined;

		this.loaded = false;

		this.linkedSpots = [];

		this.isInfospotVisible = false;
		this.linkingImageURL = undefined;
		this.linkingImageScale = undefined;

		this.geometry = geometry;

		this.material = material;
		this.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
		this.material.visible = false;

		this.scale.x *= -1;

		this.infospotAnimation = new TWEEN.Tween( this ).to( {}, this.animationDuration / 2 );

		this.addEventListener( 'load', this.fadeIn.bind( this ) );
		this.addEventListener( 'panolens-container', this.setContainer.bind( this ) );
		this.addEventListener( 'click', this.onClick.bind( this ) );



	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype );

	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.constructor = PANOLENS.Panorama;

	 * Adding an object
	 * To counter the scale.x = -1, it will automatically add an 
	 * empty object with inverted scale on x
	 * @param {THREE.Object3D} object - The object to be added
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.add = function ( object ) {

		var scope, invertedObject;

		scope = this;

		if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {

				this.add( arguments[ i ] );


			return this;


		// In case of infospots
		if ( object instanceof PANOLENS.Infospot ) {

			invertedObject = object;

			if ( object.dispatchEvent ) {

				this.container && object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'panolens-container', container: this.container } );
				object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'panolens-infospot-focus', method: function ( vector, duration, easing ) {

		        	 * Infospot focus handler event
		        	 * @type {object}
		        	 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#panolens-viewer-handler
		        	 * @property {string} method - Viewer function name
		        	 * @property {*} data - The argument to be passed into the method
		        	scope.dispatchEvent( { type : 'panolens-viewer-handler', method: 'tweenControlCenter', data: [ vector, duration, easing ] } );

				} } );

		} else {

			// Counter scale.x = -1 effect
			invertedObject = new THREE.Object3D();
			invertedObject.scale.x = -1;
			invertedObject.scalePlaceHolder = true;
			invertedObject.add( object );

		} this, invertedObject );


	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.load = function () {


	 * Click event handler
	 * @param  {object} event - Click event
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Infospot#dismiss
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onClick = function ( event ) {

		if ( event.intersects && event.intersects.length === 0 ) {

			this.traverse( function ( object ) {

				 * Dimiss event
				 * @type {object}
				 * @event PANOLENS.Infospot#dismiss
				object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dismiss' } );

			} );



	 * Set container of this panorama 
	 * @param {HTMLElement|object} data - Data with container information
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Infospot#panolens-container
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.setContainer = function ( data ) {

		var container;

		if ( data instanceof HTMLElement ) {

			container = data;

		} else if ( data && data.container ) {

			container = data.container;


		if ( container ) {

			this.children.forEach( function ( child ) {

				if ( child instanceof PANOLENS.Infospot && child.dispatchEvent ) {

					 * Set container event
					 * @type {object}
					 * @event PANOLENS.Infospot#panolens-container
					 * @property {HTMLElement} container - The container of this panorama
					child.dispatchEvent( { type: 'panolens-container', container: container } );


			} );

			this.container = container;



	 * This will be called when panorama is loaded
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#load
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onLoad = function () {

		this.loaded = true;

		 * Load panorama event
		 * @type {object}
		 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#load
		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'load' } );


	 * This will be called when panorama is in progress
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#progress
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onProgress = function ( progress ) {

		 * Loading panorama progress event
		 * @type {object}
		 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#progress
	 	 * @property {object} progress - The progress object containing loaded and total amount
		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'progress', progress: progress } );


	 * This will be called when panorama loading has error
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#error
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onError = function () {

		 * Loading panorama error event
		 * @type {object}
		 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#error
		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'error' } );


	 * Get zoom level based on window width
	 * @return {number} zoom level indicating image quality
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.getZoomLevel = function () {

		var zoomLevel;

		if ( window.innerWidth <= 800 ) {

			zoomLevel = this.ImageQualityFair;

		} else if ( window.innerWidth > 800 &&  window.innerWidth <= 1280 ) {

			zoomLevel = this.ImageQualityMedium;

		} else if ( window.innerWidth > 1280 && window.innerWidth <= 1920 ) {

			zoomLevel = this.ImageQualityHigh;

		} else if ( window.innerWidth > 1920 ) {

			zoomLevel = this.ImageQualitySuperHigh;

		} else {

			zoomLevel = this.ImageQualityLow;


		return zoomLevel;


	 * Update texture of a panorama
	 * @param {THREE.Texture} texture - Texture to be updated
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.updateTexture = function ( texture ) { = texture;

		this.material.needsUpdate = true;


	 * Toggle visibility of infospots in this panorama
	 * @param  {boolean} isVisible - Visibility of infospots
	 * @param  {number} delay - Delay in milliseconds to change visibility
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#infospot-animation-complete
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.toggleInfospotVisibility = function ( isVisible, delay ) {

		delay = ( delay !== undefined ) ? delay : 0;

		var scope, visible;

		scope = this;
		visible = ( isVisible !== undefined ) ? isVisible : ( this.isInfospotVisible ? false : true );

		this.traverse( function ( object ) {

			if ( object instanceof PANOLENS.Infospot ) {

				visible ? delay ) : object.hide( delay );


		} );

		this.isInfospotVisible = visible;

		// Animation complete event
		this.infospotAnimation.onComplete( function () {

			 * Complete toggling infospot visibility
			 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#infospot-animation-complete
			 * @type {object} 
			scope.dispatchEvent( { type : 'infospot-animation-complete', visible: visible } );

		} ).delay( delay ).start();


	 * Set image of this panorama's linking infospot
	 * @param {string} url   - Url to the image asset
	 * @param {number} scale - Scale factor of the infospot
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.setLinkingImage = function ( url, scale ) {

		this.linkingImageURL = url;
		this.linkingImageScale = scale;


	 * Link one-way panorama
	 * @param  {PANOLENS.Panorama} pano  - The panorama to be linked to
	 * @param  {THREE.Vector3} position - The position of infospot which navigates to the pano
	 * @param  {number} [imageScale=300] - Image scale of linked infospot
	 * @param  {string} [imageSrc=PANOLENS.DataImage.Arrow] - The image source of linked infospot
	 */ = function ( pano, position, imageScale, imageSrc ) {

		var scope = this, spot, scale, img;

		this.visible = true;

		if ( !position ) {

			console.warn( 'Please specify infospot position for linking' );



		// Infospot scale
		if ( imageScale !== undefined ) {

			scale = imageScale;

		} else if ( pano.linkingImageScale !== undefined ) {

			scale = pano.linkingImageScale;

		} else {

			scale = 300;


		// Infospot image
		if ( imageSrc ) {

			img = imageSrc

		} else if ( pano.linkingImageURL ) {

			img = pano.linkingImageURL;

		} else {

			img = PANOLENS.DataImage.Arrow;


		// Creates a new infospot
		spot = new PANOLENS.Infospot( scale, img );
        spot.position.copy( position );
        spot.toPanorama = pano;
        spot.addEventListener( 'click', function () {

        	 * Viewer handler event
        	 * @type {object}
        	 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#panolens-viewer-handler
        	 * @property {string} method - Viewer function name
        	 * @property {*} data - The argument to be passed into the method
        	scope.dispatchEvent( { type : 'panolens-viewer-handler', method: 'setPanorama', data: pano } );

        } );

        this.linkedSpots.push( spot );

        this.add( spot );

        this.visible = false;


	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.reset = function () {

		this.children.length = 0;	


	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.setupTransitions = function () {

		this.fadeInAnimation = new TWEEN.Tween( this.material )
			.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.Out )
			.onStart( function () {

				this.visible = true;
				this.material.visible = true;

				 * Enter panorama fade in start event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-fade-start
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'enter-fade-start' } );

			}.bind( this ) );

		this.fadeOutAnimation = new TWEEN.Tween( this.material )
			.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.Out )
			.onComplete( function () {

				this.visible = false;
				this.material.visible = true;

				 * Leave panorama complete event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#leave-complete
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'leave-complete' } );

			}.bind( this ) );

		this.enterTransition = new TWEEN.Tween( this )
			.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.Out )
			.onComplete( function () {

				 * Enter panorama and animation complete event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-animation-complete
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'enter-animation-complete' } );

			}.bind ( this ) )

		this.leaveTransition = new TWEEN.Tween( this )
			.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.Out );


	 * Start fading in animation
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-fade-complete
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.fadeIn = function ( duration ) {

		duration = duration >= 0 ? duration : this.animationDuration;

		.to( { opacity: 1 }, duration )
		.onComplete( function () {

				this.toggleInfospotVisibility( true, duration / 2 );

				 * Enter panorama fade complete event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-fade-complete
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'enter-fade-complete' } );			

			}.bind( this ) )


	 * Start fading out animation
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.fadeOut = function ( duration ) {

		duration = duration >= 0 ? duration : this.animationDuration;

		this.fadeInAnimation.stop(); { opacity: 0 }, duration ).start();


	 * This will be called when entering a panorama 
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#enter
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-animation-start
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onEnter = function () {

		var duration = this.animationDuration;

			.to( {}, duration )
			.onStart( function () {

				 * Enter panorama and animation starting event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#enter-animation-start
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'enter-animation-start' } );
				if ( this.loaded ) {

					this.fadeIn( duration );

				} else {


			}.bind( this ) )

		 * Enter panorama event
		 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#enter
		 * @type {object} 
		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'enter' } );


	 * This will be called when leaving a panorama
	 * @fires PANOLENS.Panorama#leave
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.onLeave = function () {

		var duration = this.animationDuration;

			.to( {}, duration )
			.onStart( function () {

				 * Leave panorama and animation starting event
				 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#leave-animation-start
				 * @type {object} 
				this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'leave-animation-start' } );

				this.fadeOut( duration );
				this.toggleInfospotVisibility( false );

			}.bind( this ) )

		 * Leave panorama event
		 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#leave
		 * @type {object} 
		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'leave' } );


	 * Dispose panorama
	PANOLENS.Panorama.prototype.dispose = function () {

    	 * On panorama dispose handler
    	 * @type {object}
    	 * @event PANOLENS.Panorama#panolens-viewer-handler
    	 * @property {string} method - Viewer function name
    	 * @property {*} data - The argument to be passed into the method
    	this.dispatchEvent( { type : 'panolens-viewer-handler', method: 'onPanoramaDispose', data: this } );

		// recursive disposal on 3d objects
		function recursiveDispose ( object ) {

			for ( var i = object.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

				recursiveDispose( object.children[i] );
				object.remove( object.children[i] );


			if ( object instanceof PANOLENS.Infospot ) {


			object.geometry && object.geometry.dispose();
			object.material && object.material.dispose();

		recursiveDispose( this );

		if ( this.parent ) {

			this.parent.remove( this );



} )();