
import { Panorama } from './Panorama';
import { isMobile } from '../utils/Utility';
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { EVENTS } from '../Constants';

 * @classdesc Video Panorama
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} src - Equirectangular video url
 * @param {object} [options] - Option for video settings
 * @param {HTMLElement} [options.videoElement] - HTML5 video element contains the video
 * @param {boolean} [options.loop=true] - Specify if the video should loop in the end
 * @param {boolean} [options.muted=true] - Mute the video or not. Need to be true in order to autoplay on some browsers
 * @param {boolean} [options.autoplay=false] - Specify if the video should auto play
 * @param {boolean} [options.playsinline=true] - Specify if video should play inline for iOS. If you want it to auto play inline, set both autoplay and muted options to true
 * @param {string} [options.crossOrigin="anonymous"] - Sets the cross-origin attribute for the video, which allows for cross-origin videos in some browsers (Firefox, Chrome). Set to either "anonymous" or "use-credentials".
 * @param {number} [radius=5000] - The minimum radius for this panoram
function VideoPanorama ( src, options = {} ) { this );

    this.src = src;
    this.options = Object.assign( {

        videoElement: document.createElement( 'video' ),
        loop: true,
        muted: true,
        autoplay: false,
        playsinline: true,
        crossOrigin: 'anonymous'

    }, options );

    this.videoElement = this.options.videoElement;
    this.videoProgress = 0;

    this.type = 'video_panorama';

    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.LEAVE, this.pauseVideo.bind( this ) );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.ENTER_FADE_START, this.resumeVideoProgress.bind( this ) );
    this.addEventListener( 'video-toggle', this.toggleVideo.bind( this ) );
    this.addEventListener( 'video-time', this.setVideoCurrentTime.bind( this ) );


VideoPanorama.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Panorama.prototype ), {

    constructor: VideoPanorama,

     * Load video panorama
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @fires  Panorama#panolens-viewer-handler
    load: function () { this, false );

        const { muted, loop, autoplay, playsinline, crossOrigin } = this.options;
        const video = this.videoElement;
        const onProgress = this.onProgress.bind( this );
        const onLoad = this.onLoad.bind( this );

        video.loop = loop;
        video.autoplay = autoplay;
        video.playsinline = playsinline;
        video.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
        video.muted = muted;
        if ( playsinline ) {

            video.setAttribute( 'playsinline', '' );
            video.setAttribute( 'webkit-playsinline', '' );


        const onloadeddata = function() {

            const videoTexture = this.setVideoTexture( video );

            if ( autoplay ) {

                 * Viewer handler event
                 * @type {object}
                 * @property {string} method - 'updateVideoPlayButton'
                 * @property {boolean} data - Pause video or not
                this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: false } );


            // For mobile silent autoplay
            if ( isMobile ) {


                if ( autoplay && muted ) {

                     * Viewer handler event
                     * @type {object}
                     * @property {string} method - 'updateVideoPlayButton'
                     * @property {boolean} data - Pause video or not
                    this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: false } );

                } else {

                     * Viewer handler event
                     * @type {object}
                     * @property {string} method - 'updateVideoPlayButton'
                     * @property {boolean} data - Pause video or not
                    this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: true } );


            const loaded = () => {

                onProgress( { loaded: 1, total: 1 } );
                onLoad( videoTexture );


            window.requestAnimationFrame( loaded );

         * Ready state of the audio/video element
         * 0 = HAVE_NOTHING - no information whether or not the audio/video is ready
         * 1 = HAVE_METADATA - metadata for the audio/video is ready
         * 2 = HAVE_CURRENT_DATA - data for the current playback position is available, but not enough data to play next frame/millisecond
         * 3 = HAVE_FUTURE_DATA - data for the current and at least the next frame is available
         * 4 = HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA - enough data available to start playing
        if ( video.readyState > 2 ) {

   this );

        } else {

            if ( video.querySelectorAll( 'source' ).length === 0 ) {

                const source = document.createElement( 'source' );
                source.src = this.src;
                video.appendChild( source );



        video.addEventListener( 'loadeddata', onloadeddata.bind( this ) );
        video.addEventListener( 'timeupdate', function () {

            this.videoProgress = video.duration >= 0 ? video.currentTime / video.duration : 0;

             * Viewer handler event
             * @type {object}
             * @property {string} method - 'onVideoUpdate'
             * @property {number} data - The percentage of video progress. Range from 0.0 to 1.0
            this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'onVideoUpdate', data: this.videoProgress } );

        }.bind( this ) );

        video.addEventListener( 'ended', function () {
            if ( !loop ) {

                this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: true } );


        }.bind( this ), false ); 


    onLoad: function () { this );


     * Set video texture
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @param {HTMLVideoElement} video  - The html5 video element
     * @fires Panorama#panolens-viewer-handler
    setVideoTexture: function ( video ) {

        if ( !video ) return;

        const videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture( video );
        videoTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        videoTexture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        videoTexture.format = THREE.RGBFormat;
        videoTexture.generateMipmaps = false;

        this.updateTexture( videoTexture );

        return videoTexture;

     * Reset
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    reset: function () {

        this.videoElement = undefined;	 this );


     * Check if video is paused
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @return {boolean} - is video paused or not
    isVideoPaused: function () {

        return this.videoElement.paused;


     * Toggle video to play or pause
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    toggleVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( !video ) { return; }

        video[ video.paused ? 'play' : 'pause' ]();


     * Set video currentTime
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @param {object} event - Event contains percentage. Range from 0.0 to 1.0
    setVideoCurrentTime: function ( { percentage } ) {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video && !Number.isNaN( percentage ) && percentage !== 1 ) {

            video.currentTime = video.duration * percentage;

            this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'onVideoUpdate', data: percentage } );



     * Play video
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @fires VideoPanorama#play
     * @fires VideoPanorama#play-error
    playVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;
        const playVideo = this.playVideo.bind( this );
        const dispatchEvent = this.dispatchEvent.bind( this );
        const onSuccess = () => {

             * Play event
             * @type {object}
             * @event VideoPanorama#play
            dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.MEDIA.PLAY } );

        const onError = ( error ) => {

            // Error playing video. Retry next frame. Possibly Waiting for user interaction
            window.requestAnimationFrame( playVideo );

             * Play event
             * @type {object}
             * @event VideoPanorama#play-error
            dispatchEvent( { type: 'play-error', error } );


        if ( video && video.paused ) {

   onSuccess ).catch( onError );



     * Pause video
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @fires VideoPanorama#pause
    pauseVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video && !video.paused ) {



         * Pause event
         * @type {object}
         * @event VideoPanorama#pause
        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.MEDIA.PAUSE } );


     * Resume video
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    resumeVideoProgress: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video.readyState >= 4 && video.autoplay && !isMobile ) {


             * Viewer handler event
             * @type {object}
             * @property {string} method - 'updateVideoPlayButton'
             * @property {boolean} data - Pause video or not
            this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: false } );

        } else {


             * Viewer handler event
             * @type {object}
             * @property {string} method - 'updateVideoPlayButton'
             * @property {boolean} data - Pause video or not
            this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'updateVideoPlayButton', data: true } );


        this.setVideoCurrentTime( { percentage: this.videoProgress } );


     * Reset video at stating point
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    resetVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video ) {

            this.setVideoCurrentTime( { percentage: 0 } );



     * Check if video is muted
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @return {boolean} - is video muted or not
    isVideoMuted: function () {

        return this.videoElement.muted;


     * Mute video
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    muteVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video && !video.muted ) {

            video.muted = true;


        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.MEDIA.VOLUME_CHANGE } );


     * Unmute video
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    unmuteVideo: function () {

        const video = this.videoElement;

        if ( video && this.isVideoMuted() ) {

            video.muted = false;


        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.MEDIA.VOLUME_CHANGE } );


     * Returns the video element
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    getVideoElement: function () {

        return this.videoElement;


     * Dispose video panorama
     * @memberOf VideoPanorama
     * @instance
    dispose: function () {

        this.removeEventListener( EVENTS.LEAVE, this.pauseVideo.bind( this ) );
        this.removeEventListener( EVENTS.ENTER_FADE_START, this.resumeVideoProgress.bind( this ) );
        this.removeEventListener( 'video-toggle', this.toggleVideo.bind( this ) );
        this.removeEventListener( 'video-time', this.setVideoCurrentTime.bind( this ) ); this );


} );

export { VideoPanorama };