
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { Panorama } from './Panorama';
import { PanoMoments } from '../loaders/PanoMomentsLoader';
import { EVENTS } from '../Constants';

 * PanoMoments Panorama
 * @param {object} identifier PanoMoment identifier
function PanoMoment ( identifier ) { this );

    // PanoMoments
    this.identifier = identifier;
    this.PanoMoments = null;
    this.momentData = null;
    this.status = EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.NONE;

    // Panolens
    this.container = null; = null;
    this.controls = null;
    this.defaults = {};

    // Setup Dispatcher

    // Event Bindings
    this.handlerUpdateCallback = () => this.updateCallback();
    this.handlerWindowResize = () => this.onWindowResize();

    // Event Listeners
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.CONTAINER, ( { container } ) => this.onPanolensContainer( container ) );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.CAMERA, ( { camera } ) => this.onPanolensCamera( camera ) );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.CONTROLS, ( { controls } ) => this.onPanolensControls( controls ) );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.FADE_IN, () => this.enter() );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.LEAVE_COMPLETE, () => this.leave() );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.LOAD_START, () => this.disableControl() );
    this.addEventListener( EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.READY, () => this.enableControl() );


PanoMoment.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Panorama.prototype ), {

    constructor: PanoMoment,

     * When window is resized
     * @virtual
    onWindowResize: function() {},

     * When container reference dispatched
     * @param {HTMLElement} container 
    onPanolensContainer: function( container ) {

        this.container = container;


     * When camera reference dispatched
     * @param {THREE.Camera} camera 
    onPanolensCamera: function( camera ) {

        Object.assign( this.defaults, { fov: camera.fov } ); = camera;


     * When control references dispatched
     * @param {THREE.Object[]} controls 
    onPanolensControls: function( controls ) {

        const [ { minPolarAngle, maxPolarAngle } ] = controls;

        Object.assign( this.defaults, { minPolarAngle, maxPolarAngle } );
        this.controls = controls;


     * Intercept default dispatcher
    setupDispatcher: function() {

        const dispatch = this.dispatchEvent.bind( this );
        const values = Object.values( EVENTS.PANOMOMENT );
        this.dispatchEvent = function( event ) {
            if ( values.includes( event.type ) ) {

                this.status = event.type;


            dispatch( event );



     * Enable Control
    enableControl: function() {

        const [ OrbitControls ] = this.controls;

        OrbitControls.enabled = true;


     * Disable Control
    disableControl: function() {

        const [ OrbitControls ] = this.controls;

        OrbitControls.enabled = false;


     * Load Pano Moment Panorama
    load: function () { this, false );
        const { identifier, renderCallback, readyCallback, loadedCallback } = this;

        this.PanoMoments = new PanoMoments(
            renderCallback.bind( this ), 
            readyCallback.bind( this ), 
            loadedCallback.bind( this )


     * Update intial heading based on moment data
    updateHeading: function() {

        if ( !this.momentData ) return;

        const { momentData: { start_frame } } = this;
        const angle = ( start_frame + 180 ) / 180 * Math.PI;

        // reset center to initial lookat
        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'setControlCenter' } );

        // rotate to initial frame center
        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, method: 'rotateControlLeft', data: angle } );


     * Get Camera Yaw for PanoMoment texture
    getYaw: function() {

        const { camera: { rotation: { y } }, momentData: { clockwise } } = this;
        const rotation = THREE.Math.radToDeg( y ) + 180;
        const yaw = ( ( clockwise ? 90 : -90 ) - rotation ) % 360;

        return yaw;

     * On Panolens update callback
    updateCallback: function() {

        if ( !this.momentData || this.status === EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.NONE ) return;

        this.setPanoMomentYaw( this.getYaw() );        


     * On Pano Moment Render Callback
    renderCallback: function (video, momentData) {

        if ( !this.momentData ) {

            this.momentData = momentData;

            const texture = new THREE.Texture( video );
            texture.minFilter = texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
            texture.generateMipmaps = false;
            texture.format = THREE.RGBFormat;
            this.updateTexture( texture ); 

            this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.FIRST_FRAME_DECODED } );

   this );


     * On Pano Moment Ready Callback
    readyCallback: function () {

        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.READY } );


     * On Pano Moment Loaded Callback
    loadedCallback: function () {

        this.dispatchEvent( { type: EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.COMPLETED } );


     * Set PanoMoment yaw
     * @memberOf PanoMomentPanorama
     * @param {number} yaw - yaw value from 0 to 360 in degree
    setPanoMomentYaw: function (yaw) {

        const { status, momentData, PanoMoments: { render, frameCount, textureReady } } = this;

        // textureReady() must be called before render() 
        if (textureReady()) this.getTexture().needsUpdate = true;

        if( (status !== EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.READY && status !== EVENTS.PANOMOMENT.COMPLETED) || !momentData ) return;

        render((yaw / 360) * frameCount);


     * Enter Panorama
    enter: function() {


        this.addEventListener( EVENTS.WIDNOW_RESIZE, this.handlerWindowResize );

        // Add update callback
        this.dispatchEvent( { 
            type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, 
            method: 'addUpdateCallback', 
            data: this.handlerUpdateCallback


     * Leave Panorama
    leave: function() {

        const { camera, controls: [ OrbitControls ], defaults: { minPolarAngle, maxPolarAngle, fov } } = this;

        Object.assign( OrbitControls, { minPolarAngle, maxPolarAngle } );

        camera.fov = fov;

        this.removeEventListener( EVENTS.WIDNOW_RESIZE, this.handlerWindowResize );

        // Remove update callback
        this.dispatchEvent( { 
            type: EVENTS.VIEWER_HANDLER, 
            method: 'removeUpdateCallback', 
            data: this.handlerUpdateCallback


     * Dispose Panorama
    dispose: function() {


        this.PanoMoments = null;
        this.momentData = null;

        this.container = null; = null;
        this.controls = null;
        this.defaults = null; this );


} );

export { PanoMoment };